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Haringey Learning Partnership

Anti Racist Organisation


Our commitment to Equality, diversity and actively promoting Anti-Racism at Haringey Learning Partnership.  

At Haringey Learning Partnership we are committed in our journey to being actively anti-racist. We believe that school must be a place where difficult and uncomfortable truths are tackled to support everyone. Education plays a critical role in tackling injustice and discrimination of all kinds, and we must ensure that we are supporting our students through both our curriculum and the building and developing of skills and knowledge, to question racism wherever they encounter it. 

As an organisation we are committed members of the Haringey Council Racial Equity Group and we are working with Leeds Beckett University to complete the Anti-Racist School Award. This is part of a journey and we have much more to do and to learn as we progress. Both staff and students are working together to look closely at all aspects of school life to make sure everyone is respected, valued, treated fairly and protected. We continue to think of ways to promote equality and diversity at Haringey Learning Partnership. We work closely with our parents, carers and wider families to ensure that they are part of this process and are able to support our development as an anti-racist organisation.   

Our Anti-Racist Statement 

Haringey Learning Partnership is committed to work to become a truly anti-racist organisation for the benefit of every member of the school community. Set out below is the framework within which we are working: 

  • To ensure the voices of all members of the organisation are heard in order to develop a collective understanding of the experiences of our community 
  • To interrogate and modify the curriculum we offer, ensuring that we are representing in positive ways the rich cultural heritage of all members of our community  
  • To ensure that we teach challenging and culturally diverse content with honesty, confidence and integrity, and that through our curriculum we question existing ideas of cultural capital 
  • To ensure education, dialogue and reflection - as opposed to judgement - are at the heart of how we approach change 
  • To look at the systems and structures which underpin the work of the organisation to ensure that no staff are held back from developing, as and when opportunities arise 
  • To be clear in our message to the wider community the values which are at the heart of our organisation in relation to diversity  
  • To ensure all students are supported to develop themselves through not only the formal academic curriculum but the range and accessibility of enrichment opportunities and the pastoral curriculum 
  • To provide ongoing CPD to staff to ensure we continue to develop our conversations around diversity in a meaningful way  
  • To recognise the unconscious bias that can exist in our society and in ourselves, and seek to challenge and erase it wherever possible  
  • To look at the power of language and how we use it positively, sensitively and consistently when discussing issues of race and inequality and also when addressing students and each other 
  • To normalise a culture in which dialogue about race and cultural diversity is possible, good intention is assumed, feedback is welcomed, and fear of making mistakes does not hinder progress 
  • To ensure student leadership gives a voice to students in the running of the school and is encouraged to be active in the positive promotion of anti-racism 
  • To find innovative and engaging ways in promoting equality and diversity through all our stakeholders at Haringey Learning Partnership 

Lead Member of Staff for Anti-Racism: Sarah Adenuga 

Lead Governor for Anti-Racism: Amobi Modu 

Reporting Racist Incidents: Racist Incident policy 2023


Resources for Parents and Carers: 

Becoming a Parent in the Age of Black Lives Matter 

Talking About Race 

Browse Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners 

Racism: How to protect your mental health 

Notes to my teenage self: 12 British celebs on their experiences of racism