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Haringey Learning Partnership


Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning, inextricably linked to our curriculum. To be effective, it needs to enable us to see if a student ‘knows more and remembers more’. Assessment at HLP is part of a wider approach incorporating teaching and learning strategies and theory (Cognitive Load) and utilizing current educational research to ensure best practice.

To this end, in HLP classes, our teachers will use two main approaches to assessment: day-to-day in-school formative assessment (informal) and in-school summative assessment (formal) as outlined in our Principles of Assessment.

In terms of reporting to parents, at KS3 we will report a student’s current attainment in terms of their knowledge and understanding of our intended curriculum using key descriptors linked to the Programme of Study.  At KS4 we will report a student’s current working GCSE grade qualification level using a composite of all summative assessments completed in the course up to that point.

Please Click here for HLP Assessment Principles