Literacy and Numeracy
Numeracy Statement of Intent
Numeracy is proficiency in manipulating numbers. It is about being confident and competent in using numbers and data and making good decisions in daily life. Numeracy involves the application of mathematics to familiar and unfamiliar contexts: across the curriculum and in model real-life situations.
At HLP we want every child to develop a sound understanding of numbers while equipping them with the skills of calculation, reasoning, and problem-solving that they need in life beyond school. In order to achieve these goals, we are incorporating and integrating numeracy across the whole-school curriculum. We want numeracy to be evident and present in every subject area planning and in lessons. Not only do we want the staff to be equipped with numeracy skills, but we also aim to tap into the rich and diverse knowledge and cultural base of our staff so that our pupils can also learn different ways of dealing with mathematical problems in real-life situations.
Numeracy is also incorporated into weekly tutor time sessions, with a focus on how students can better understand the numbers and figures they see in the news. Our numeracy strategy means numeracy will be present across the curriculum, with each subject incorporating numeracy where relevant in their schemes of learning.
Literacy Statement of Intent
Literacy and communication are a whole school focus at Haringey Learning Partnership with the central aim being ‘Literacy for Life’.
We believe that the ability to read, write, speak, and listen in a way that allows for effective communication are the foundations to becoming valuable members of our global society. HLP recognises the link between communication literacy and challenging behaviour and therefore use every opportunity to encourage pupils to make sense of the world around them through consistent, frequent, and effective teaching and learning of literacy.
We also acknowledge that many young people have unidentified speech, language, literacy, and social communication needs and so all pupils are assessed on entry. We have a very clear process of identifying and assessing the needs of all students through specialised analysis conducted by our Assessment team which helps to determine the level of need and provision required by the learner. Where students are identified as being below the expected level of literacy, we work together to create a personalised learning programme with clear strategies to facilitate access to the curriculum for all.
The below personalised learning programmes are used alongside classroom lessons to fill gaps, consolidate learning, and practice core skills thereby quickly raising the student’s ability to effectively engage in the curriculum:
Weekly focus on Literacy through Tutor Time
Fresh Start phonics programme
Literacy Pirates for respite students
First Story
Bedrock Learning vocabulary literacy platform
Speech and Language therapy
The school has a wonderful new Library and reading for pleasure is promoted in a range of ways. Displays of books are regularly changed to promote events such as Black History Month and LGBTQ+ Month and World Book Day is celebrated with a series of events. Most students at Commerce House have a weekly timetabled library lesson where they are encouraged to read a book of their choice.
Developing literacy is a key element of the School Development Plan and key areas for focus are:
Develop a reading for pleasure culture across HLP, based on a clear understanding of knowledge of how reading develops
Develop an effective intervention programme based on diagnostic assessment
Ensure disciplinary literacy is planned for and delivered in lessons to build confidence and knowledge of academic literacy
Literacy Strategy 2023-2024