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Haringey Learning Partnership

Parents & Carers

At HLP we welcome and value the input of our parents and carers. Research shows the more active you are in your child’s education, the better their level of attainment. Simply put, the more you are involved, the more they will achieve! 

As a parent or carer there will be times when you may need further support and we are happy to listen.

Family Engagement at HLP



As well as supporting you with your child’s academic journey, another belief we hold strongly is that your personal growth and development is key in increasing the overall success of our students and your household in general.  

Whether you need support with employment, establishing a business or achieving a personal goal, our Family Engagement Lead Mel Prosper is happy to assist and will work at your pace to achieve the best outcome. 

If you think a conversation with Mel could be beneficial or would like to attend one of the groups listed below, please email   


  • Parent and Carer Enterprise Group
  • Parent and Carer Online Forums
  • Parent and Carer Exam support and preparation forums
  • Behaviour Basics Course for parents and carers
  • SENDIASS Advice and information sessions for parents and carers

 We look forward to meeting you and working together.


Please also see the links and contacts below:



Parents/Carers Advice and Helpline (NSPCC)

Worried about a child? Don’t wait until you’re certain. Contact our trained helpline counsellors for 24/7 help, advice and support.

Tel: 0808 800 5000




Are you a child? Do you need to talk?

Tel: 0800 1111




Send Power in Haringey Logo

SEND Power in Haringey

A forum for parents and carers of children/young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) 



 Markfield Logo

Welcome to Haringey SENDIASS

We offer free confidential advice about Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) 


 Haringey Learning PartnershipHaringey Learning Partnership

Reporting a concern at school

All staff at the Haringey Learning Partnership are trained in safeguarding and will listen to any concern you have.

There is also the specialist Safeguarding Team which is led by Ms Robinson


If you wish to make a complaint, please use the link below and follow our Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy 2024