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Haringey Learning Partnership

Relationships, Rewards and Behaviour

HLP aims to provide a caring, calm, and safe environment in which understanding and respect for others is fostered. We aim to promote a positive culture and encourage students to have a sense of responsibility to themselves, to our school and to the wider community. This is achieved through staff, students, the management committee, and parents/carers working in partnership. 
We aim to: 
✓ Implement a mental health and trauma-informed approach to behaviour in our school. 
✓ Encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere conducive to positive learning experiences. 
✓ Provide an interesting, well-planned curriculum that motivates children to learn alongside developing their social, emotional, and behavioural skills. 
✓ Support students to have difficult conversations that resolve conflict; enable growth, understanding, reconnection and transformation. ✓ Encourage increasing independence and self-regulation so each student learns strategies to manage their own behaviour and make better choices. 
✓ Foster and maintain positive relationships between all members of our school community. 
✓ Recognise and celebrate progress in all areas, including academic and personal development. 
✓ Enhance students’ social skills and help them make positive contributions to the school and wider community. 
HLP is committed to educational practices which Protect, Relate, Regulate and Reflect. For more information, please read our Relationships and Behaviour Policy here: Relationships and Behaviour Policy 2023
We share our Six Student Behaviour Expectations with students across HLP and have a strong focus on rewarding and acknowledging positive contributions, achievements and progress.