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Haringey Learning Partnership

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning at HLP

The varied nature of our provision means that lessons may look quite different. For example, some services offer 1:1 tuition, whereas other students are taught in settings more akin to a mainstream classroom. Furthermore, some vocational courses, which are delivered by external providers, may vary in their approach. 

However, there are 5 key principles which underpin all HLP lessons: 

  1.  ‘Do Now’ – A ‘Do Now’ activity starts every lesson. Often an opportunity for retrieval practice, ‘Do Now’ activities are low-stakes and engage students in the lesson.  
  2. Explain – Powerful knowledge is given to students through clear explanations, delivered by subject experts. 
  3. Question – Teachers use targeted questioning to check and progress students’ understanding. 
  4. Practise – Students are given regular opportunities to practise what they have been taught. 
  5. Review - Students are given regular opportunities to respond to feedback from staff, spending dedicated time editing and improving their work.